Wow. Don't even know what to say about these.
Links and items of interest (plus the occasional comment)
This link talks about movies and how they are shown from the male gaze and how they are male-centered. It relates this to a small percentage of Hollywood directors that are women. It was interesting to see that most films that won best picture over the years have been male-centered. The link also makes the point that a lot of movies from the female gaze are about shopping, love, etc.
[S]he is kind of wearing a skimpy outfit. That reminds me of the music videos. How the women in them are wearing what the men would like them to wear. ... And when Drake enters (a male artist) she acts almost as if she is blown away by his presence. That reminds me about how we talked about men being the dominant sex and the stereotype that women are blown away by a man's presence.
In this commercial it seems like the wife is punishing her husband for trying to break his "diet." I have two issues with this: One, if this commercial was reversed in the gender roles, it would have never made it to TV. They would never show a man kicking his wife, or shoving her face in a pie. Also, this plays into the angry black woman stereotype.
This actress plays a hot vamp on the show Modern Family. It's almost like she broke a law because she was out in public without her hot seductress hair and makeup. And regardless of ethnicity, why isn't it okay for a woman to go out in public without her hair and makeup done?