Monday, February 28, 2011

Women in Hollywood

This video from a student about the dearth of female directors and women-centered films given Academy Awards:

This is what the student says:

This link talks about movies and how they are shown from the male gaze and how they are male-centered. It relates this to a small percentage of Hollywood directors that are women. It was interesting to see that most films that won best picture over the years have been male-centered. The link also makes the point that a lot of movies from the female gaze are about shopping, love, etc.

When Kathryn Bigelow became the first woman to win an Oscar for best director last year, a lot of the commentary focused on the fact that she had directed a male-centered film. Would she have won, observers wondered, as a woman directing a film about women? Bigelow herself told the LA Times she was looking forward to the day when gender would not be an issue.

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