In class recently, we read an article by James McKay and Helen Johnson that argues media treatment of tennis superstars Serena and Venus Williams is essentially a reinscription of the Hottentot Venus of the 19th century. The argument is that the media eroticize, exoticize, and animalize the Williams sisters' bodies because they can be seen as a threat to white, male dominance.
A student found this photo taken of Serena Williams at the U.S. Open, which provides a visual aid for the argument. The white, male gaze of the camera situates Serena's body as "other" by accentuating her breasts and glutes. We are meant to see her as different, threatening, titillating.
This is not to say Serena Williams is not an active participant in media constructions of her. She is. But even that would be in keeping with the story of Saarjite Baartman, who shared some of the profits from her display.
I think that this picture shows so much of what we have been talking about. This picture shows mainly the "big arse" that the article was showing, but I think that it shows perfectly what the media criticizes so much.
Yes, Serena should probably dress a little better for her body type. But I've actually never heard her complain about things being said about her body. I think she knows she is very muscular and is a bit intimidating. I think she is very comfortable with herself and her talents. I see that the media is sexualizing her, but I do not think the way they portray her in this picture is in anyway "less desirable or downright ugly" like it states on page 91 of our text.
I don't think this picture is a very flattering picture of her. However it does show off the curves and muscles she does have, as well as what photographers are making the rest of society picture her as. A powerhouse which may be what she is but it's in a negative way.
This picture shows exactly what we have been talking about. I would say that if it truely bothers Serena that are said about her then she would dress better. Then again in her sport it is probably comfortable to play in that kind of clothes. Tight so they dont get in the way or catch wind resistance. The comments will not stop no matter what, but I have never heard her complain about the attention or the comments that have been said about her. One more point she is a very muscular women and it is intimidating and she may use it as a factor to psych out her opponent.
"The argument is that the media eroticize, exoticize, and animalize the Williams sisters' bodies because they can be seen as a threat to white, male dominance."
I'm not totally positive that this is how the media views the sisters as much as the sisters themselves want to be viewed. The media doesn't force the Williams sisters to wear such intimidating outfits just gives the media something to talk about. The Williams sisters choose to wear these types of outfits because for one it is probably comfortable for them to play tennis in and it is intimidating to their competitors. It is intimidating to their competitors because no other women in the sport of tennis look so muscular or are as good as them.
So going back to my first statement, I believe that the Willaims sisters are comfortable with their body type and are happy so why not show it off. The Williams sisters choose to wear these outfits and probably could care less what the media say about them.
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