Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Kyle Payne

Iowa Independent reports that Kyle Payne, 22, a former resident adviser and graduate of Buena Vista University--and self-described feminist and anti-pornography activist--pleaded guilty last week of photographing and filming a drunk, unconscious female student's breasts for his sexual gratification in 2007.

Actually, according to Iowa Independent, police reports indicate Kyle Payne physically assaulted the woman while she was passed out and taped himself doing it; police found the files on his hard drive following a tip and arrested him in February. (I need to mention that the BVU administration was totally on top of this situation and cooperated fully with police. I think they even contacted the police themselves.)

The fact that Kyle Payne got away with a guilty plea to second-degree attempted burglary and invasion of privacy shows what a joke the court system can be. But this is not really the point.

The point is what Kyle Payne says about himself on his blog:
Kyle is a social justice educator, writer, and activist. Much of his work is concerned with putting a stop to violence against women. For years Kyle has served as an advocate for survivors of sexual violence and other forms of abuse, in addition to promoting what he calls 'a more just and life-affirming culture of sexuality' through activism and education.
Jeff Fecke at Shakesville writes poignantly about how dirtbags like this screw things up for all men who call themselves feminists, dredging up the inevitable question: Can men really be feminist allies? Personally, I know they can. I'm married to one. But still, stuff like this makes me sick.

UPDATE: Said feminist-ally-hubby points out that accused people like Kyle Payne work really hard to plea down their charges so they don't have to put their names on the Sex Offender Registry. Hence the attempted-burglary charge. Again showing how the criminal justice system is often a joke. Kyle Payne is white. Would his lawyers have been so successful in getting a plea bargain if he were black or Latino? I think not.

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